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Embracing Stewardship

Stewardship lies at the heart of our faith journey at Sacred Heart and St. Oswald Parish, guiding us to recognize that all we have is a gift from God, given to us out of His boundless love. As stewards of these gifts—Time, Talent, Treasure—we are called to respond with gratitude and generosity, weaving them into the fabric of our daily lives and our parish community.

Each moment is a precious opportunity to deepen our relationship with God and our fellow parishioners. By setting aside time for personal prayer and joining in communal worship at Sacred Heart and St. Oswald, we honor God and nourish our spirits, united in faith and fellowship.

God has blessed each of us with unique gifts and abilities, meant to be shared for the greater good. Whether it’s through volunteering for parish ministries, using our skills to serve others, or offering a listening ear to those in need, we enrich our community and honor God’s call to love one another.

Our financial resources are a reflection of God’s abundant provision in our lives. By giving back a portion of our income to support the work of our parish and the wider Church, we participate in the mission of spreading God’s love and building His kingdom here on earth.

Lord, you have entrusted us with the gifts of Time, Talent, and Treasure. May we steward them wisely and generously, using them to glorify Your name and further Your kingdom. Bless our parish community, strengthen our bonds of fellowship, and inspire us to live lives of joyful stewardship, ever mindful of Your abundant blessings. We make this prayer through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Sacred Heart and St. Oswald Parish, Peterborough

A Community Called to Stewardship

Get Involved: Explore opportunities to share your gifts and talents.

The Parish’s Worship

  1. Reading
  2. Eucharistic Minister
  3. Serving Mass
  4. Prayer Group
  5. Playing a Musical Instrument
  6. Singing
  7. Welcoming people at Mass
  8. Setting up for Mass


Training as a Catechist for

  1. Baptism Preparation
  2. First Holy Communion
  3. Confirmation
  4. RCIA (preparing adults for Sacraments)
  5. Children’s Liturgy
  6. Marriage Preparation



  1. Foodbank Delivery
  2. Peterborough Soup Kitchen
  3. SVP
  4. CAFOD
  5. Visiting the Housebound, Sick & Bereaved
  6. Transporting Housebound to Mass
  7. Welcoming Newcomers
  8. Serving Tea/Coffee after Mass & at Social Event


  1. Church Care- Cleaning Altar, Lady Chapel, Sacristy
  2. Church Linen – Laundry Weekly
  3. Piety Stall
  4. Preparing Newsletter
  5. Counting/Banking Money
  6. Fundraising
  7. Orgainising Social Events
  8. Local Churches/Christian Unity
  9. Card Payments
  10. Gardening
  11. Other Talents I can share e.g Plumber, Electrician, Needlework

Please indicate your interest in parish ministries for the coming year.

By giving us your Email and telephone number, you consent to being contacted via this method.

Training and support are available for these roles, so if you would like to get involved, please make contact.
You will hear back from us within a few weeks with more information.

Thank you for your generosity of heart.