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Our Parish

About us

Welcome to our ever-expanding parish community dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and St. Oswald! We were founded in the late 1950s. At the heart of our faith, we honour and draw inspiration from these beloved patrons.

The Sacred Heart symbolizes Christ’s boundless love and mercy for all humanity, a devotion deeply cherished by Catholics worldwide. St. Oswald, known for his steadfast faith and leadership, exemplifies courage and commitment to God’s will. Join us in celebrating the feast days of these revered patrons: the Feast of the Sacred Heart on the Friday seven weeks after Easter, and the Feast of St. Oswald on August 5th. As we commemorate these special occasions, let us reflect on the profound love of Christ and the inspiring legacy of St. Oswald, guiding us in our journey of faith and service to others.

We invite you to participate in our parish activities, worship services, and community events as we strive to emulate the compassionate hearts of Jesus and St. Oswald in our daily lives. May their intercession strengthen our faith and inspire us to live with love, integrity, and compassion.

Our Parish Priest

Originally from the vibrant region of South India, Fr. Seelan brings a wealth of cultural diversity and spiritual richness to our parish community here in the UK. With a heart dedicated to serving God and spreading His message of love and compassion.

After completing his studies in theology and pastoral ministry, Fr. Seelan answered the call to serve as a priest, dedicating his life to guiding and nurturing the spiritual growth of others. His warmth, humility, and deep faith have endeared him to parishioners, fostering a sense of belonging and unity within our community. Fr Seelan’s commitment to living out the Gospel values inspires us all to follow in the footsteps of Christ, showing kindness and compassion to everyone we encounter.

As our parish priest, Fr. Seelan has been a transformative leader, significantly increasing our congregation and expanding the number of masses to accommodate our growing community. His visionary approach and dedication to fostering a welcoming environment have attracted many to our parish family. Fr. Seelan continues to be a guiding light, leading us in prayer, worship, and service to others. We are blessed to have him as our spiritual shepherd, and we look forward to journeying together in faith under his compassionate leadership