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God chooses ordinary people.

Old Testament messengers had their excuses and their hesitations. Moses had a speech impediment. Isaiah thought he was not the right man for the job. Jeremiah worried that he was too young. But God still used them. We may have an accent, we may not be academics, we might not have read aloud before, but God, through his church, still chooses to use us.


· Take your responsibilities seriously.

· Check the rotas and find a replacement if you are unable to read on the day allocated.

· Attend the annual recommissioning service and any training offered.


· Always prepare carefully, reading through the passage, preferably out loud, in advance.

On arrival at Mass:

· inform a steward or the pastoral assistant that you are present.

· Address the altar correctly with reverence.

· Check the microphone is working and is set at the correct level for your height.

· Check the bible is open at the correct page for the day.

· Sit where the priest has requested readers should sit.

At the lectern:

· read the Word of God more slowly than you usually speak, so the congregation will hear and understand what you are telling them.

· Make appropriate pauses and the correct emphasis on words.

· Keep your head raised so you speak out to the people, not to the lectern.

· Make occasional eye contact with the congregation so they feel you are speaking to them.

· If you make a mistake, carry on. You are human.


Remember – we can only do our best and leave the rest to the Lord.

If you wish to join the team of readers, you will be offered training and support.