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Welcome to Sacred Heart & St. Oswald’s Parish!

We strive to create a warm and inclusive community where everyone can encounter God and build meaningful relationships. Whether you’re just beginning your spiritual journey or have been on it for years, we invite you to explore all that our church has to offer. Interested in joining us for worship, volunteering, or simply reaching out to learn more?
We are here for you.

Rev. Arockiya Seelan Poobalan
Parish Priest

Weekend Mass Times

For weekday masses please refer to the Newsletter.


  • 1700  Confessions
  • 1800  Mass


  • 0800  Mass
  • 1000  Family Mass 
  • 1200  Mass (at Sacred Heart School only)

Upcoming Events



  • Wed. 5th March: Ash Wednesday
  • Thurs. 13th March: Lenten Station Mass
  • Sun. 16th March 2pm: St Patrick’s Lunch Celebration
  • Sat. 12th April: Palm Sunday Children’s Workshop
  • Tues. 15th April: Chrism Mass
  • Fri. 25th April return 28th April 2025: PILGRIMAGE TO ROME CANONISATION OF CARLOS ACUTIS

Kindness in Grief Café every first Thursday of the month 2-4pm

Friendship lunches every first Tuesday of the month

Lunches are prepared, cooked on-site and served by volunteers in the church hall on the first Tuesday of the month, except for August. The aim is to serve the community by bringing people together in a relaxed environment, whether you are a church goer or a neighbour to the church. A 2course lunch is served for 35 people at 12noon. Tickets cost £5 and are sold after Mass in the preceding weeks. You are welcome to join us.